bugfix: lines that aren't drawn from the start

I can't believe I didn't catch this until now. All I had to do is open
MobyDick.markdown from https://www.hogbaysoftware.com/posts/moby-dick-workout,
press page-down and click on the top screen line (or any screen line
containing the same line as the top screen line). Easy to catch with any
file containing lots of overly long lines, as happens in particular at
the start of Moby Dick.

I _had_ seen this problem before, but it seemed to disappear after
unrelated changes, and I convinced myself I'd fixed it as a side-effect.
The bug just failed to manifest if the top line happened to start at the
top of the screen. Scroll down a few pages in Moby Dick and the dialogue
starts and line length drops precipitously.
This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2022-06-30 18:00:09 -07:00
parent 98fa46bf99
commit 510b0d1dc3
3 changed files with 48 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ function App.initialize_globals()
-- a text is a table with:
-- mode = 'text',
-- string data,
-- a (y) coord in pixels (updated while painting screen),
-- startpos, the index of data the line starts rendering from (if currently on screen), can only be >1 for topmost line on screen
-- starty, the y coord in pixels
-- some cached data that's blown away and recomputed when data changes:
-- fragments: snippets of rendered love.graphics.Text, guaranteed to not wrap
-- screen_line_starting_pos: optional array of grapheme indices if it wraps over more than one screen line
@ -275,7 +276,11 @@ function App.draw()
y = y + Drawing.pixels(line.h) + Drawing_padding_bottom
--? print('text')
line.y = y
line.starty = y
line.startpos = 1
if line_index == Screen_top1.line then
line.startpos = Screen_top1.pos
y, Screen_bottom1.pos = Text.draw(line, Line_width, line_index)
y = y + Line_height
--? print('=> y', y)

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function Text.draw(line, line_width, line_index)
--? love.graphics.line(Line_width,0, Line_width,App.screen.height)
-- wrap long lines
local x = Margin_left
local y = line.y
local y = line.starty
local pos = 1
local screen_line_starting_pos = 1
if line.fragments == nil then
@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ function Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen()
function Text.in_line(line_index,line, x,y)
if line.y == nil then return false end -- outside current page
if line.starty == nil then return false end -- outside current page
if x < Margin_left then return false end
if y < line.y then return false end
if y < line.starty then return false end
return y < line.y + #line.screen_line_starting_pos * Line_height
return y < line.starty + Line_height*(#line.screen_line_starting_pos - Text.screen_line_index(line, line.startpos) + 1)
-- convert mx,my in pixels to schema-1 coordinates
@ -672,10 +672,12 @@ function Text.to_pos_on_line(line, mx, my)
if line.fragments == nil then
Text.compute_fragments(line, Line_width)
assert(my >= line.y)
assert(my >= line.starty)
-- duplicate some logic from Text.draw
local y = line.y
for screen_line_index,screen_line_starting_pos in ipairs(line.screen_line_starting_pos) do
local y = line.starty
local start_screen_line_index = Text.screen_line_index(line, line.startpos)
for screen_line_index = start_screen_line_index,#line.screen_line_starting_pos do
local screen_line_starting_pos = line.screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index]
local screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(line.data, screen_line_starting_pos)
--? print('iter', y, screen_line_index, screen_line_starting_pos, string.sub(line.data, screen_line_starting_byte_offset))
local nexty = y + Line_height
@ -725,6 +727,14 @@ function Text.screen_line_width(line, i)
return App.width(screen_line_text)
function Text.screen_line_index(line, pos)
for i = #line.screen_line_starting_pos,1,-1 do
if line.screen_line_starting_pos[i] <= pos then
return i
function Text.nearest_cursor_pos(line, x) -- x includes left margin
if x == 0 then
return 1
@ -909,7 +919,8 @@ end
function Text.redraw_all()
--? print('clearing fragments')
for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do
line.y = nil
line.starty = nil
line.startpos = nil

View File

@ -184,6 +184,27 @@ function test_click_on_wrapping_line()
check_eq(Cursor1.pos, 13, 'F - test_click_on_wrapping_line/cursor:pos')
function test_click_on_wrapping_line_rendered_from_partway_at_top_of_screen()
-- display a wrapping line from its second screen line
App.screen.init{width=80, height=80}
-- 12345678901234
Lines = load_array{"madam I'm adam"}
Line_width = 75
Cursor1 = {line=1, pos=8}
Screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=7}
Screen_bottom1 = {}
local y = Margin_top
App.screen.check(y, "I'm ada", 'F - test_click_on_wrapping_line_rendered_from_partway_at_top_of_screen/baseline/screen:2')
y = y + Line_height
-- click past end of second screen line
App.run_after_mouse_click(App.screen.width-2,y-2, 1)
-- cursor moves to end of screen line
check_eq(Cursor1.line, 1, 'F - test_click_on_wrapping_line_rendered_from_partway_at_top_of_screen/cursor:line')
check_eq(Cursor1.pos, 13, 'F - test_click_on_wrapping_line_rendered_from_partway_at_top_of_screen/cursor:pos')
function test_click_past_end_of_wrapping_line()
-- display a wrapping line