run = {} Editor_state = {} -- called both in tests and real run function run.initialize_globals() -- tests currently mostly clear their own state -- blinking cursor Cursor_time = 0 end -- called only for real run function run.initialize(arg) log_new('run') if Settings then run.load_settings() else run.initialize_default_settings() end -- '/' should work even on Windows local t = os.time() Editor_state.file_path ='%Y/%m/%d/%H-%M-%S', t) if #arg == 0 then = Settings.data_directory else = arg[1] end if, ~= '/' then ='/' end Editor_state.filename = table.insert(Editor_state.lines, 1, {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', t), mode='text'}) Editor_state.cursor1 = {line=2, pos=1} Text.redraw_all(Editor_state) os.execute('mkdir -p '..dirname(Editor_state.filename)) assert(not file_exists(Editor_state.filename), 'refusing to overwrite existing file at current timestamp') -- keep a few blank lines around: love.window.setTitle(' - '..Editor_state.filename) if rawget(_G, 'jit') then jit.flush() end end function print_and_log(s) print(s) log(3, s) end function run.load_settings() local font = -- set up desired window dimensions and make window resizable _, _, App.screen.flags = App.screen.size() App.screen.flags.resizable = true App.screen.width, App.screen.height = Settings.width, Settings.height App.screen.resize(App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags) run.set_window_position_from_settings(Settings) Editor_state = edit.initialize_state(Margin_top, Margin_left, App.screen.width-Margin_right, font, Settings.font_height, math.floor(Settings.font_height*1.3)) end function run.set_window_position_from_settings(settings) local os = love.system.getOS() if os == 'Linux' then -- love.window.setPosition doesn't quite seem to do what is asked of it on Linux. App.screen.move(settings.x, settings.y-37, settings.displayindex) else App.screen.move(settings.x, settings.y, settings.displayindex) end end function run.initialize_default_settings() local font_height = 20 local font = run.initialize_window_geometry() Editor_state = edit.initialize_state(Margin_top, Margin_left, App.screen.width-Margin_right, font, font_height, math.floor(font_height*1.3)) Settings = run.settings() end function run.initialize_window_geometry() -- Initialize window width/height and make window resizable. -- -- I get tempted to have opinions about window dimensions here, but they're -- non-portable: -- - maximizing doesn't work on mobile and messes things up -- - maximizing keeps the title bar on screen in Linux, but off screen on -- Windows. And there's no way to get the height of the title bar. -- It seems more robust to just follow LÖVE's default window size until -- someone overrides it. App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags = App.screen.size() App.screen.flags.resizable = true App.screen.resize(App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags) end function run.resize(w, h) --? print(("Window resized to width: %d and height: %d."):format(w, h)) App.screen.width, App.screen.height = w, h Text.redraw_all(Editor_state) Editor_state.selection1 = {} -- no support for shift drag while we're resizing Editor_state.right = App.screen.width-Margin_right Editor_state.width = Editor_state.right-Editor_state.left Text.tweak_screen_top_and_cursor(Editor_state, Editor_state.left, Editor_state.right) end function run.draw() edit.draw(Editor_state) end function run.update(dt) Cursor_time = Cursor_time + dt edit.update(Editor_state, dt) end function run.quit() edit.quit(Editor_state) end function run.settings() if Settings == nil then Settings = {} end Settings.x, Settings.y, Settings.displayindex = App.screen.position() return { x=Settings.x, y=Settings.y, displayindex=Settings.displayindex, width=App.screen.width, height=App.screen.height, font_height=Editor_state.font_height,, } end function absolutize(path) if is_relative_path(path) then return App.current_dir..path end return path end function run.mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) Cursor_time = 0 -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves return edit.mouse_press(Editor_state, x,y, mouse_button) end function run.mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button) Cursor_time = 0 -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves return edit.mouse_release(Editor_state, x,y, mouse_button) end function run.mouse_wheel_move(dx,dy) Cursor_time = 0 -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves return edit.mouse_wheel_move(Editor_state, dx,dy) end function run.text_input(t) Cursor_time = 0 -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves return edit.text_input(Editor_state, t) end function run.keychord_press(chord, key) Cursor_time = 0 -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves return edit.keychord_press(Editor_state, chord, key) end function run.key_release(key, scancode) Cursor_time = 0 -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves return edit.key_release(Editor_state, key, scancode) end function width(s) return end