B = function(font) -- print('B') -- recompute various aspects based on the current viewport settings for _,obj in ipairs(Surface) do if obj.type == 'line' then obj.zdata = {} for i=1,#obj.data,2 do table.insert(obj.zdata, vx(obj.data[i])) table.insert(obj.zdata, vy(obj.data[i+1])) end elseif obj.type == 'bezier' then zdata = {} for i=1,#obj.data,2 do table.insert(zdata, vx(obj.data[i])) table.insert(zdata, vy(obj.data[i+1])) end obj.zdata = love.math.newBezierCurve(zdata):render() elseif obj.type == 'text' then if obj.w then update_editor_box(obj, font) if font == nil and obj.editor then font = obj.editor.font end else obj.text = love.graphics.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), obj.data) end end end end