on.initialize = function(arg) if #arg == 0 then if Data_dir == nil then error('please provide a directory to browse') end else if is_absolute_path(arg[1]) then Data_dir = arg[1] else Data_dir = App.current_dir..arg[1] end end print('reading articles from '..Data_dir) if not file_exists(Data_dir) then error('no directory '..Data_dir..' found. Please store articles to browse there before opening this app.') end local comment_path = Data_dir..'/comments' if not file_exists(comment_path) then App.mkdir(comment_path) end reset_viewport() love.graphics.setFont(love.graphics.newFont(20)) local font = love.graphics.getFont() font:setLineHeight(1.3) initialize_file_picker() A() Viewport.x, Viewport.y = Viewport_bounds.xmin, Viewport_bounds.ymin B() end