-- A general architecture for free-wheeling, live programs: -- on startup: -- scan both the app directory and the save directory for files with numeric prefixes -- load files in order -- -- then start drawing frames on screen and reacting to events -- -- events from keyboard and mouse are handled as the app desires -- -- on incoming messages to a specific file, the app must: -- determine the definition name from the first word -- execute the value, returning any errors -- look up the filename for the definition or define a new filename for it -- save the message's value to the filename -- -- if a game encounters a run-time error, send it to the driver and await -- further instructions. The app will go unresponsive in the meantime, that -- is expected. To shut it down cleanly, type C-q in the driver. -- We try to save new definitions in the source directory, but this is not -- possible if the app lives in a .love file. In that case new definitions -- go in the save dir. -- namespace for these functions live = {} -- state for these functions Live = {} -- a namespace of frameworky callbacks -- these will be modified live on = {} -- === on startup, load all files with numeric prefix function live.initialize(arg) live.freeze_all_existing_definitions() -- version control Live.filenames_to_load = {} -- filenames in order of numeric prefix Live.filename = {} -- map from definition name to filename (including numeric prefix) Live.final_prefix = 0 live.load_files_so_far() -- some hysteresis Live.previous_read = 0 if on.load then on.load() end end function live.load_files_so_far() for _,filename in ipairs(love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems('')) do local numeric_prefix, root = filename:match('^(%d+)-(.+)') if numeric_prefix and tonumber(numeric_prefix) > 0 then -- skip 0000 Live.filename[root] = filename table.insert(Live.filenames_to_load, filename) Live.final_prefix = math.max(Live.final_prefix, tonumber(numeric_prefix)) end end table.sort(Live.filenames_to_load) -- load files from save dir for _,filename in ipairs(Live.filenames_to_load) do --? print('loading', filename) local buf = love.filesystem.read(filename) assert(buf and buf ~= '') local status, err = live.eval(buf) if not status then error(err) end end end APP = 'fw_app' -- === on each frame, check for messages and alter the app as needed function live.update(dt) if Current_time - Live.previous_read > 0.1 then local buf = live.receive_from_driver() if buf then live.run(buf) Mode = 'run' if on.code_change then on.code_change() end end Live.previous_read = Current_time end end -- look for a message from outside, and return nil if there's nothing function live.receive_from_driver() local f = io.open(love.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory()..'/_love_akkartik_driver_app') if f == nil then return nil end local result = f:read('*a') f:close() if result == '' then return nil end -- empty file == no message print('<='..color(--[[bold]]1, --[[blue]]4)) print(result) print(reset_terminal()) os.remove(love.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory()..'/_love_akkartik_driver_app') return result end function live.send_to_driver(msg) local f = io.open(love.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory()..'/_love_akkartik_app_driver', 'w') if f == nil then return end f:write(msg) f:close() print('=>'..color(0, --[[green]]2)) print(msg) print(reset_terminal()) end function live.send_run_time_error_to_driver(msg) local f = io.open(love.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory()..'/_love_akkartik_app_driver_run_time_error', 'w') if f == nil then return end f:write(msg) f:close() print('=>'..color(0, --[[red]]1)) print(msg) print(reset_terminal()) end -- args: -- format: 0 for normal, 1 for bold -- color: 0-15 function color(format, color) return ('\027[%d;%dm'):format(format, 30+color) end function reset_terminal() return '\027[m' end -- define or undefine top-level bindings function live.run(buf) local cmd = live.get_cmd_from_buffer(buf) assert(cmd) print('command is '..cmd) if cmd == 'QUIT' then love.event.quit(1) elseif cmd == 'RESTART' then restart() elseif cmd == 'MANIFEST' then Live.filename[APP] = love.filesystem.getIdentity() live.send_to_driver(json.encode(Live.filename)) elseif cmd == 'DELETE' then local definition_name = buf:match('^%s*%S+%s+(%S+)') if Live.frozen_definitions[definition_name] then live.send_to_driver('ERROR definition '..definition_name..' is part of Freewheeling infrastructure and cannot be deleted.') return end if Live.filename[definition_name] then local index = table.find(Live.filenames_to_load, Live.filename[definition_name]) table.remove(Live.filenames_to_load, index) live.eval(definition_name..' = nil') -- ignore errors which will likely be from keywords like `function = nil` -- try to remove the file from both source_dir and save_dir -- this won't work for files inside .love files App.remove(App.source_dir..Live.filename[definition_name]) love.filesystem.remove(Live.filename[definition_name]) Live.filename[definition_name] = nil end live.send_to_driver('{}') elseif cmd == 'GET' then local definition_name = buf:match('^%s*%S+%s+(%S+)') local val, _ = live.get_binding(definition_name) if val then live.send_to_driver(val) else live.send_to_driver('ERROR no such value') end elseif cmd == 'GET*' then -- batch version of GET local result = {} for definition_name in buf:gmatch('%s+(%S+)') do print(definition_name) local val, _ = live.get_binding(definition_name) if val then table.insert(result, val) end end local delimiter = '\n==fw: definition boundary==\n' live.send_to_driver(table.concat(result, delimiter)..delimiter) -- send a final delimiter to simplify the driver's task elseif cmd == 'DEFAULT_MAP' then local contents = love.filesystem.read('default_map') if contents == nil then contents = '{}' end live.send_to_driver(contents) -- other commands go here else local definition_name = live.get_definition_name_from_buffer(buf) if definition_name == nil then -- contents are all Lua comments; we don't currently have a plan for them live.send_to_driver('ERROR empty definition') return end print('definition name is '..definition_name) if Live.frozen_definitions[definition_name] then live.send_to_driver('ERROR definition '..definition_name..' is part of Freewheeling infrastructure and cannot be safely edited live.') return end local status, err = live.eval(buf) if not status then -- throw an error live.send_to_driver('ERROR '..tostring(err)) return end -- eval succeeded without errors; persist the definition local filename = Live.filename[definition_name] if filename == nil then Live.final_prefix = Live.final_prefix+1 filename = ('%04d-%s'):format(Live.final_prefix, definition_name) table.insert(Live.filenames_to_load, filename) Live.filename[definition_name] = filename end -- try to write to source dir local status, err = App.write_file(App.source_dir..filename, buf) if err then -- not possible; perhaps it's a .love file -- try to write to save dir local status, err2 = App.write_file(App.save_dir..filename, buf) if err2 then -- throw an error live.send_to_driver('ERROR '..tostring(err..'\n\n'..err2)) return end end -- run all tests Test_errors = {} App.run_tests(record_error_by_test) live.send_to_driver(json.encode(Test_errors)) end end function live.get_cmd_from_buffer(buf) -- return the first word return buf:match('^%s*(%S+)') end function live.get_definition_name_from_buffer(buf) return first_noncomment_word(buf) end -- return the first word (separated by whitespace) that's not in a Lua comment -- or empty string if there's nothing -- ignore strings; we don't expect them to be the first word in a program function first_noncomment_word(str) local pos = 1 while pos <= #str do -- not Unicode-aware; hopefully it doesn't need to be if str:sub(pos,pos) == '-' then -- skip any comments if str:sub(pos+1,pos+1) == '-' then -- definitely start of a comment local long_comment_header = str:match('^%[=*%[', pos+2) if long_comment_header then -- long comment local long_comment_trailer = long_comment_header:gsub('%[', ']') pos = str:find(long_comment_trailer, pos, --[[plain]]true) if pos == nil then return '' end -- incomplete comment; no first word pos = pos + #long_comment_trailer else -- line comment pos = str:find('\n', pos) if pos == nil then return '' end -- incomplete comment; no first word end end end -- any non-whitespace that's not a comment is the first word if str:sub(pos,pos):match('%s') then pos = pos+1 else return str:match('^%S*', pos) end end return '' end function test_first_noncomment_word() check_eq(first_noncomment_word(''), '', 'empty string') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('abc'), 'abc', 'single word') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('abc def'), 'abc', 'stop at space') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('abc\tdef'), 'abc', 'stop at tab') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('abc\ndef'), 'abc', 'stop at newline') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('-- abc\ndef'), 'def', 'ignore line comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[[abc]] def'), 'def', 'ignore block comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[[abc\n]] def'), 'def', 'ignore multi-line block comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[[abc\n--]] def'), 'def', 'ignore comment leader before block comment trailer') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[=[abc]=] def'), 'def', 'ignore long comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[=[abc]] def ]=] ghi'), 'ghi', 'ignore long comment containing block comment trailer') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[===[abc\n\ndef ghi\njkl]===]mno\npqr'), 'mno', 'ignore long comment containing block comment trailer') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('-'), '-', 'incomplete comment token') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--abc'), '', 'incomplete line comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--abc\n'), '', 'just a line comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--abc\n '), '', 'just a line comment 2') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[ab\n'), '', 'incomplete block comment token is a line comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[[ab'), '', 'incomplete block comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[[ab\n]'), '', 'incomplete block comment 2') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[=[ab\n]] ]='), '', 'incomplete block comment 3') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[=[ab\n]] ]=]'), '', 'just a block comment') check_eq(first_noncomment_word('--[=[ab\n]] ]=] \n \n '), '', 'just a block comment 2') end function live.get_binding(name) if Live.filename[name] then return love.filesystem.read(Live.filename[name]) end end function table.find(h, x) for k,v in pairs(h) do if v == x then return k end end end -- Wrapper for Lua's weird evaluation model. -- Lua is persnickety about expressions vs statements, so we need to do some -- extra work to get the result of an evaluation. -- return values: -- all well -> true, ... -- load failed -> nil, error message -- run (pcall) failed -> false, error message function live.eval(buf) -- We assume a program is either correct with 'return' prefixed xor not. -- Is this correct? Who knows! But the Lua REPL does this as well. local f = load('return '..buf, 'REPL') if f then return pcall(f) end local f, err = load(buf, 'REPL') if f then return pcall(f) else return nil, err end end -- === infrastructure for performing safety checks on any new definition -- Everything that exists before we start loading the live files is frozen and -- can't be edited live. function live.freeze_all_existing_definitions() Live.frozen_definitions = {on=true} -- special case for version 1 local done = {} done[Live.frozen_definitions]=true live.freeze_all_existing_definitions_in(_G, {}, done) end function live.freeze_all_existing_definitions_in(tab, scopes, done) -- track duplicates to avoid cycles like _G._G, _G._G._G, etc. if done[tab] then return end done[tab] = true for name,binding in pairs(tab) do local full_name = live.full_name(scopes, name) --? print(full_name) Live.frozen_definitions[full_name] = true if type(binding) == 'table' and full_name ~= 'package' then -- var 'package' contains copies of all modules, but not the best name; rely on people to not modify package.loaded.io.open, etc. table.insert(scopes, name) live.freeze_all_existing_definitions_in(binding, scopes, done) table.remove(scopes) end end end function live.full_name(scopes, name) local ns = table.concat(scopes, '.') if #ns == 0 then return name end return ns..'.'..name end -- === on error, pause the app and wait for messages -- return nil to continue the event loop, non-nil to quit function live.handle_error(err) Mode = 'error' local stack_trace = debug.traceback('Error: ' .. tostring(err), --[[stack frame]]2):gsub('\n[^\n]+$', '') live.send_run_time_error_to_driver(stack_trace) Error_message = 'Something is wrong. Sorry!\n\n'..stack_trace..'\n\n'.. "(Note: function names above don't include outer tables. So functions like on.draw might show up as just 'draw', etc.)\n\n".. 'Options:\n'.. '- press "ctrl+c" (without the quotes) to copy this message to your clipboard to send to me: ak@akkartik.com\n'.. '- press any other key to retry, see if things start working again\n'.. '- run driver.love to try to fix it yourself. As you do, feel free to ask me questions: ak@akkartik.com\n' Error_count = Error_count+1 if Error_count > 1 then Error_message = Error_message..('\n\nThis is error #%d in this session; things will probably not improve in this session. Please copy the message and send it to me: ak@akkartik.com.'):format(Error_count) end print(Error_message) end