on.keychord_press = function(chord, key) print('key', chord) if chord == 'C-=' then -- zoom in Viewport.zoom = Viewport.zoom+0.1 B() elseif chord == 'C--' then -- zoom out if (Viewport.zoom-0.1)*20 >= 1 then -- disallow font size of 0 Viewport.zoom = Viewport.zoom-0.1 B() end elseif chord == 'C-0' then -- reset zoom Viewport.zoom = 1.0 B() elseif Cursor_node then local old_top = {line=Cursor_node.editor.screen_top1.line, pos=Cursor_node.editor.screen_top1.pos} edit.keychord_press(Cursor_node.editor, chord, key) if not eq(Cursor_node.editor.screen_top1, old_top) then Viewport.y = Cursor_node.y + y_of_schema1(Cursor_node.editor, Cursor_node.editor.screen_top1) end if chord == 'return' then A(--[[preserve screen_top of cursor node]] true) else B(--[[preserve screen_top of cursor node]] true) end else if chord == 'up' then Viewport.y = Viewport.y - scale(20) B() elseif chord == 'down' then Viewport.y = Viewport.y + scale(20) B() elseif chord == 'left' then Viewport.x = Viewport.x - scale(50) B() elseif chord == 'right' then Viewport.x = Viewport.x + scale(50) B() elseif chord == 'pageup' then Viewport.y = Viewport.y - App.screen.height/Viewport.zoom B() elseif chord == 'S-up' then Viewport.y = Viewport.y - App.screen.height/Viewport.zoom B() elseif chord == 'pagedown' then Viewport.y = Viewport.y + App.screen.height/Viewport.zoom B() elseif chord == 'S-down' then Viewport.y = Viewport.y + App.screen.height/Viewport.zoom B() elseif chord == 'S-left' then Viewport.x = Viewport.x - App.screen.width/Viewport.zoom B() elseif chord == 'S-right' then Viewport.x = Viewport.x + App.screen.width/Viewport.zoom B() end end end