-- helpers for the search bar (C-f) function Text.draw_search_bar(State) local h = State.line_height+2 local y = App.screen.height-h love.graphics.setColor(0.9,0.9,0.9) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, y-10, App.screen.width-1, h+8) love.graphics.setColor(0.6,0.6,0.6) love.graphics.line(0, y-10, App.screen.width-1, y-10) love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 20, y-6, App.screen.width-40, h+2, 2,2) love.graphics.setColor(0.6,0.6,0.6) love.graphics.rectangle('line', 20, y-6, App.screen.width-40, h+2, 2,2) App.color(Foreground_color) App.screen.print(State.search_term, 25,y-5) Text.draw_cursor(State, 25+State.font:getWidth(State.search_term),y-5, Cursor_color) end function Text.search_next(State) -- search current line from cursor local curr_pos = State.cursor1.pos local curr_line = State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data local curr_offset = Text.offset(curr_line, curr_pos) local offset = find(curr_line, State.search_term, curr_offset, --[[literal]] true) if offset then State.cursor1.pos = utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset) end if offset == nil then -- search lines below cursor for i=State.cursor1.line+1,#State.lines do local curr_line = State.lines[i].data offset = find(curr_line, State.search_term, --[[from start]] nil, --[[literal]] true) if offset then State.cursor1 = {line=i, pos=utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset)} break end end end if offset == nil then -- wrap around for i=1,State.cursor1.line-1 do local curr_line = State.lines[i].data offset = find(curr_line, State.search_term, --[[from start]] nil, --[[literal]] true) if offset then State.cursor1 = {line=i, pos=utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset)} break end end end if offset == nil then -- search current line until cursor local curr_line = State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data offset = find(curr_line, State.search_term, --[[from start]] nil, --[[literal]] true) local pos = utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset) if pos and pos < State.cursor1.pos then State.cursor1.pos = pos end end if offset == nil then State.cursor1.line = State.search_backup.cursor.line State.cursor1.pos = State.search_backup.cursor.pos State.screen_top1.line = State.search_backup.screen_top.line State.screen_top1.pos = State.search_backup.screen_top.pos end local screen_bottom1 = Text.screen_bottom1(State) if Text.lt1(State.cursor1, State.screen_top1) or Text.lt1(screen_bottom1, State.cursor1) then State.screen_top1.line = State.cursor1.line local pos = Text.pos_at_start_of_screen_line(State, State.cursor1) State.screen_top1.pos = pos end end function Text.search_previous(State) -- search current line before cursor local curr_pos = State.cursor1.pos local curr_line = State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data local curr_offset = Text.offset(curr_line, curr_pos) local offset = rfind(curr_line, State.search_term, curr_offset-1, --[[literal]] true) if offset then State.cursor1.pos = utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset) end if offset == nil then -- search lines above cursor for i=State.cursor1.line-1,1,-1 do local curr_line = State.lines[i].data offset = rfind(curr_line, State.search_term, --[[from end]] nil, --[[literal]] true) if offset then State.cursor1 = {line=i, pos=utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset)} break end end end if offset == nil then -- wrap around for i=#State.lines,State.cursor1.line+1,-1 do local curr_line = State.lines[i].data offset = rfind(curr_line, State.search_term, --[[from end]] nil, --[[literal]] true) if offset then State.cursor1 = {line=i, pos=utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset)} break end end end if offset == nil then -- search current line after cursor local curr_line = State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data offset = rfind(curr_line, State.search_term, --[[from end]] nil, --[[literal]] true) local pos = utf8.len(curr_line, 1, offset) if pos and pos > State.cursor1.pos then State.cursor1.pos = pos end end if offset == nil then State.cursor1.line = State.search_backup.cursor.line State.cursor1.pos = State.search_backup.cursor.pos State.screen_top1.line = State.search_backup.screen_top.line State.screen_top1.pos = State.search_backup.screen_top.pos end local screen_bottom1 = Text.screen_bottom1(State) if Text.lt1(State.cursor1, State.screen_top1) or Text.lt1(screen_bottom1, State.cursor1) then State.screen_top1.line = State.cursor1.line local pos = Text.pos_at_start_of_screen_line(State, State.cursor1) State.screen_top1.pos = pos end end function find(s, pat, i, plain) if s == nil then return end return s:find(pat, i, plain) end -- TODO: avoid the expensive reverse() operations -- Particularly if we only care about literal matches, we don't need all of string.find function rfind(s, pat, i, plain) if s == nil then return end if #pat == 0 then return #s end local rs = s:reverse() local rpat = pat:reverse() if i == nil then i = #s end local ri = #s - i + 1 local rendpos = rs:find(rpat, ri, plain) if rendpos == nil then return nil end local endpos = #s - rendpos + 1 assert (endpos >= #pat, ('rfind: endpos %d should be >= #pat %d at this point'):format(endpos, #pat)) return endpos-#pat+1 end function test_rfind() check_eq(rfind('abc', ''), 3, 'empty pattern') check_eq(rfind('abc', 'c'), 3, 'final char') check_eq(rfind('acbc', 'c', 3), 2, 'previous char') check_nil(rfind('abc', 'd'), 'missing char') check_nil(rfind('abc', 'c', 2), 'no more char') end