draw_menu = function() App.color(Menu_background) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0,0, App.screen.width, Menu_bottom) -- settings button on right local w = App.width('settings') local r = Safe_width-w-10-5 settings_button(r, w) local x, y = Menu_left+5, Menu_top+5 -- main menu on left App.color(White) love.graphics.print(Current_pane_index, x+5, Menu_top+5+2) App.color(Normal_color) x = x+5 + App.width(tostring(Current_pane_index)) + 10 x = run_button(x, y, r) x = stop_button(x, y, r) -- assume screen will always be wide enough to print this far without overflow if not Overflow_button then local w = App.width('code')+10 local w2 = App.width('>>')+10 if x+w+10+w2+10 < r then App.color{r=0.5, g=0.5, b=0.5} love.graphics.print('code', x, y) x = x+w+10 end end if Show_code then x, y = hide_code_button(x, y, r) else x, y = show_code_button(x, y, r) end x, y = copy_button(x, y, r) x, y = paste_button(x, y, r) x, y = clear_pane_button(x, y, r) if not Overflow_button then local w = App.width('screen')+10 local w2 = App.width('>>')+10 if x+w+10+w2+10 < r then App.color{r=0.5, g=0.5, b=0.5} love.graphics.print('screen', x, y) x = x+w+10 end end x, y = new_pane_button(x, y, r) x, y = delete_pane_button(x, y, r) -- nav buttons along sides if Current_pane_index > 1 then previous_pane_button() end if Current_pane_index < #Panes then next_pane_button(Menu_left + Safe_width) end if Show_settings then draw_settings_menu() end end