local wav = { --[[ Writes audio file in WAVE format with PCM integer samples. Function 'create_context' requires a filename and returns a table with the following methods: - init(channels_number, sample_rate, bits_per_sample) - write_samples_interlaced(samples) - finish() (WAVE format: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/) ]] --[[ Copyright © 2014, Christoph "Youka" Spanknebel Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] create_context = function(filename) -- Check function parameters if type(filename) ~= "string" then error("invalid function parameter, expected string filename", 2) end local absolute_path = love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory()..'/'..filename -- ensure directory exists love.filesystem.write(absolute_path, '') -- Audio file handle local file = io.open(absolute_path, "wb") if not file then error(string.format("couldn't open file %q", filename), 2) end -- Byte-string(unsigned integer,little endian)<-Lua-number converter local function ntob(n, len) local n, bytes = math.max(math.floor(n), 0), {} for i=1, len do bytes[i] = n % 256 n = math.floor(n / 256) end return string.char(unpack(bytes)) end -- Check for integer local function isint(n) return type(n) == "number" and n == math.floor(n) end -- Audio meta informations local channels_number_private, bytes_per_sample -- Return audio handler return { init = function(channels_number, sample_rate, bits_per_sample) -- Check function parameters if not isint(channels_number) or channels_number < 1 or not isint(sample_rate) or sample_rate < 2 or not (bits_per_sample == 8 or bits_per_sample == 16 or bits_per_sample == 24 or bits_per_sample == 32) then error("valid channels number, sample rate and bits per sample expected", 2) end -- Write file type file:write("RIFF????WAVE") -- file size to insert later -- Write format chunk file:write("fmt ", ntob(16, 4), ntob(1, 2), ntob(channels_number, 2), ntob(sample_rate, 4), ntob(sample_rate * channels_number * (bits_per_sample / 8), 4), ntob(channels_number * (bits_per_sample / 8), 2), ntob(bits_per_sample, 2)) -- Write data chunk (so far) file:write("data????") -- data size to insert later -- Set format memory channels_number_private, bytes_per_sample = channels_number, bits_per_sample / 8 end, write_samples_interlaced = function(samples) -- Check function parameters if type(samples) ~= "table" then error("samples table expected", 2) end local samples_n = #samples if samples_n == 0 or samples_n % channels_number_private ~= 0 then error("valid number of samples expected (multiple of channels)", 2) -- Already finished? elseif not file then error("already finished", 2) -- Already initialized? elseif file:seek() == 0 then error("initialize before writing samples", 2) end -- All samples are numbers? for i=1, samples_n do if type(samples[i]) ~= "number" then error("samples have to be numbers", 2) end end -- Write samples to file local sample if bytes_per_sample == 1 then for i=1, samples_n do sample = samples[i] file:write(ntob(sample < 0 and sample + 256 or sample, 1)) end elseif bytes_per_sample == 2 then for i=1, samples_n do sample = samples[i] file:write(ntob(sample < 0 and sample + 65536 or sample, 2)) end elseif bytes_per_sample == 3 then for i=1, samples_n do sample = samples[i] file:write(ntob(sample < 0 and sample + 16777216 or sample, 3)) end else -- if bytes_per_sample == 4 then for i=1, samples_n do sample = samples[i] file:write(ntob(sample < 0 and sample + 4294967296 or sample, 4)) end end end, finish = function() -- Already finished? if not file then error("already finished", 2) -- Already initialized? elseif file:seek() == 0 then error("initialize before finishing", 2) end -- Get file size local file_size = file:seek() -- Save file size file:seek("set", 4) file:write(ntob(file_size - 8, 4)) -- Save data size file:seek("set", 40) file:write(ntob(file_size - 44, 4)) -- Finalize file for secure reading file:close() file = nil end } end, } function save_wav(filename, sounddata) -- credit to Intas and zorg on the LÖVE forum <3 -- https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=86173 local samples = {} for i = 0, sounddata:getSampleCount() - 1 do local sample = sounddata:getSample(i) local n local to16bit = sample * 32767 if (to16bit > 0) then n = math.floor(math.min(to16bit, 32767)) else n = math.floor(math.max(to16bit, -32768)) end table.insert(samples, n) end local w = wav.create_context(filename, "w") w.init(sounddata:getChannelCount(), sounddata:getSampleRate(), sounddata:getBitDepth()) w.write_samples_interlaced(samples) w.finish() end