nativefs = require 'nativefs' -- main entrypoint for LÖVE -- -- Most apps can just use the default shown in, -- but we need to override it to: -- * run all tests (functions starting with 'test_') on startup, and -- * save some state that makes it possible to switch between the main app -- and a source editor, while giving each the illusion of complete -- control. function App.version_check() App.snapshot_love() -- have LÖVE delegate all handlers to App if they exist for name in pairs(love.handlers) do if App[name] then love.handlers[name] = App[name] end end -- Stash current state of App for tests App_for_tests = {} for k,v in pairs(App) do App_for_tests[k] = v end -- there's one nested table App_for_tests.screen = {} for k,v in pairs(App.screen) do App_for_tests.screen[k] = v end -- Mutate App for the real app -- disable test methods App.screen.init = nil App.filesystem = nil App.time = nil App.run_after_textinput = nil App.run_after_keychord = nil App.keypress = nil App.keyrelease = nil App.run_after_mouse_click = nil App.run_after_mouse_press = nil App.run_after_mouse_release = nil App.fake_keys_pressed = nil App.fake_key_press = nil App.fake_key_release = nil App.fake_mouse_state = nil App.fake_mouse_press = nil App.fake_mouse_release = nil -- dispatch some methods to real hardware App.screen.resize = love.window.setMode App.screen.size = love.window.getMode App.screen.move = love.window.setPosition App.screen.position = love.window.getPosition App.screen.print = App.open_for_reading = function(filename) local result = nativefs.newFile(filename) local ok, err = result:open('r') if ok then return result else return ok, err end end App.open_for_writing = function(filename) local result = nativefs.newFile(filename) local ok, err = result:open('w') if ok then return result else return ok, err end end App.files = nativefs.getDirectoryItems App.source_dir = love.filesystem.getSource()..'/' App.current_dir = nativefs.getWorkingDirectory()..'/' App.save_dir = love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory()..'/' App.get_time = love.timer.getTime App.get_clipboard = love.system.getClipboardText App.set_clipboard = love.system.setClipboardText App.key_down = love.keyboard.isDown App.mouse_move = love.mouse.setPosition App.mouse_down = love.mouse.isDown App.mouse_x = love.mouse.getX App.mouse_y = love.mouse.getY -- Tests always run at the start. Test_errors = {} App.run_tests(record_error) -- example handler if #Test_errors > 0 then error('There were test failures:\n\n'..table.concat(Test_errors, '\n')) end App.initialize_globals() App.initialize(love.arg.parseGameArguments(arg), arg) love.timer.step() local dt = 0 -- one iteration of the event loop -- return nil to continue the event loop, non-nil to quit App.run_frame = function() if love.event then love.event.pump() for name, a,b,c,d,e,f in love.event.poll() do if name == "quit" then if not love.quit or not love.quit() then return a or 0 end end love.handlers[name](a,b,c,d,e,f) end end dt = love.timer.step() App.update(dt) App.draw() love.timer.sleep(0.001) -- returning nil continues the loop end -- protect against runtime errors return function() local status, result = xpcall(App.run_frame, live.handle_error) return result end end -- The rest of this file wraps around various LÖVE primitives to support -- automated tests. Often tests will run with a fake version of a primitive -- that redirects to the real love.* version once we're done with tests. -- -- Not everything is so wrapped yet. Sometimes you still have to use love.* -- primitives directly. App = {} -- save/restore various framework globals we care about -- only on very first load function App.snapshot_love() if Love_snapshot then return end Love_snapshot = {} -- save the entire initial font; it doesn't seem reliably recreated using newFont Love_snapshot.initial_font = end function App.undo_initialize() end function App.run_tests(record_error_fn) local sorted_names = {} for name,binding in pairs(_G) do if name:find('test_') == 1 then table.insert(sorted_names, name) end end table.sort(sorted_names) local globals = App.shallow_copy_all_globals() App = App_for_tests local saved_font = for _,name in ipairs(sorted_names) do App.initialize_for_test() --? print('=== ' xpcall(_G[name], function(err) record_error_fn(name, err) end) end -- restore all global state except Test_errors local test_errors = Test_errors App.restore_all_globals(globals) Test_errors = test_errors end function App.run_test(test, record_error_fn) local globals = App.shallow_copy_all_globals() App = App_for_tests local saved_font = App.initialize_for_test() xpcall(test, function(err) record_error_fn('', err) end) -- restore all global state except Test_errors local test_errors = Test_errors App.restore_all_globals(globals) Test_errors = test_errors end function App.initialize_for_test() App.screen.init{width=100, height=50} App.screen.contents = {} -- clear screen App.filesystem = {} App.source_dir = '' App.current_dir = '' App.save_dir = '' App.fake_keys_pressed = {} App.fake_mouse_state = {x=-1, y=-1} App.initialize_globals() end -- App.screen.resize and App.screen.move seem like better names than -- love.window.setMode and love.window.setPosition respectively. They'll -- be side-effect-free during tests, and they'll save their results in -- attributes of App.screen for easy access. App.screen={} -- Use App.screen.init in tests to initialize the fake screen. function App.screen.init(dims) App.screen.width = dims.width App.screen.height = dims.height end function App.screen.resize(width, height, flags) App.screen.width = width App.screen.height = height App.screen.flags = flags end function App.screen.size() return App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags end function App.screen.move(x,y, displayindex) App.screen.x = x App.screen.y = y App.screen.displayindex = displayindex end function App.screen.position() return App.screen.x, App.screen.y, App.screen.displayindex end -- If you use App.screen.print instead of, -- tests will be able to check what was printed using App.screen.check below. -- -- One drawback of this approach: the y coordinate used depends on font size, -- which feels brittle. function App.screen.print(msg, x,y) local screen_row = 'y'..tostring(y) --? print('drawing "'..msg..'" at y '..tostring(y)) local screen = App.screen if screen.contents[screen_row] == nil then screen.contents[screen_row] = {} for i=0,screen.width-1 do screen.contents[screen_row][i] = '' end end if x < screen.width then screen.contents[screen_row][x] = msg end end function App.screen.check(y, expected_contents, msg) --? print('checking for "'..expected_contents..'" at y '..tostring(y)) local screen_row = 'y'..tostring(y) local contents = '' if App.screen.contents[screen_row] == nil then error('no text at y '..tostring(y)) end for i,s in ipairs(App.screen.contents[screen_row]) do contents = contents..s end check_eq(contents, expected_contents, msg) end -- If you access the time using App.get_time instead of love.timer.getTime, -- tests will be able to move the time back and forwards as needed using -- App.wait_fake_time below. App.time = 1 function App.get_time() return App.time end function App.wait_fake_time(t) App.time = App.time + t end function App.width(text) return end -- If you access the clipboard using App.get_clipboard and App.set_clipboard -- instead of love.system.getClipboardText and love.system.setClipboardText -- respectively, tests will be able to manipulate the clipboard by -- reading/writing App.clipboard. App.clipboard = '' function App.get_clipboard() return App.clipboard end function App.set_clipboard(s) App.clipboard = s end -- In tests I mostly send chords all at once to the keyboard handlers. -- However, you'll occasionally need to check if a key is down outside a handler. -- If you use App.key_down instead of love.keyboard.isDown, tests will be able to -- simulate keypresses using App.fake_key_press and App.fake_key_release -- below. This isn't very realistic, though, and it's up to tests to -- orchestrate key presses that correspond to the handlers they invoke. App.fake_keys_pressed = {} function App.key_down(key) return App.fake_keys_pressed[key] end function App.fake_key_press(key) App.fake_keys_pressed[key] = true end function App.fake_key_release(key) App.fake_keys_pressed[key] = nil end -- Tests mostly will invoke mouse handlers directly. However, you'll -- occasionally need to check if a mouse button is down outside a handler. -- If you use App.mouse_down instead of love.mouse.isDown, tests will be able to -- simulate mouse clicks using App.fake_mouse_press and App.fake_mouse_release -- below. This isn't very realistic, though, and it's up to tests to -- orchestrate presses that correspond to the handlers they invoke. App.fake_mouse_state = {x=-1, y=-1} -- x,y always set function App.mouse_move(x,y) App.fake_mouse_state.x = x App.fake_mouse_state.y = y end function App.mouse_down(mouse_button) return App.fake_mouse_state[mouse_button] end function App.mouse_x() return App.fake_mouse_state.x end function App.mouse_y() return App.fake_mouse_state.y end function App.fake_mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) App.fake_mouse_state.x = x App.fake_mouse_state.y = y App.fake_mouse_state[mouse_button] = true end function App.fake_mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button) App.fake_mouse_state.x = x App.fake_mouse_state.y = y App.fake_mouse_state[mouse_button] = nil end -- If you use App.open_for_reading and App.open_for_writing instead of other -- various Lua and LÖVE helpers, tests will be able to check the results of -- file operations inside the App.filesystem table. function App.open_for_writing(filename) App.filesystem[filename] = '' return { write = function(self, s) App.filesystem[filename] = App.filesystem[filename]..s end, close = function(self) end, } end function App.open_for_reading(filename) if App.filesystem[filename] then return { lines = function(self) return App.filesystem[filename]:gmatch('[^\n]+') end, close = function(self) end, } end end -- Some helpers to trigger an event and then refresh the screen. Akin to one -- iteration of the event loop. -- all textinput events are also keypresses -- TODO: handle chords of multiple keys function App.run_after_textinput(t) App.keypressed(t) App.textinput(t) App.keyreleased(t) App.screen.contents = {} App.draw() end -- not all keys are textinput -- TODO: handle chords of multiple keys function App.run_after_keychord(chord) App.keychord_press(chord) App.keyreleased(chord) App.screen.contents = {} App.draw() end function App.run_after_mouse_click(x,y, mouse_button) App.fake_mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) App.mousepressed(x,y, mouse_button) App.fake_mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button) App.mousereleased(x,y, mouse_button) App.screen.contents = {} App.draw() end function App.run_after_mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) App.fake_mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) App.mousepressed(x,y, mouse_button) App.screen.contents = {} App.draw() end function App.run_after_mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button) App.fake_mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button) App.mousereleased(x,y, mouse_button) App.screen.contents = {} App.draw() end -- miscellaneous internal helpers function App.color(color), color.g, color.b, color.a) end function colortable(app_color) return {app_color.r, app_color.g, app_color.b, app_color.a} end function App.shallow_copy_all_globals() local result = {} for k,v in pairs(_G) do result[k] = v end return result end function App.restore_all_globals(x) -- delete extra bindings for k,v in pairs(_G) do if x[k] == nil then _G[k] = nil end end -- restore previous bindings for k,v in pairs(x) do _G[k] = v end end -- Test_errors will be an array function record_error(test_name, err) local err_without_line_number = err:gsub('^[^:]*:[^:]*: ', '') table.insert(Test_errors, test_name..' -- '..err_without_line_number) end -- Test_errors will be a table by test name function record_error_by_test(test_name, err) local err_without_line_number = err:gsub('^[^:]*:[^:]*: ', '') Test_errors[test_name] = err_without_line_number --? Test_errors[test_name] = debug.traceback(err_without_line_number) end