draw_file_dialog = function() -- border App.color{r=0.6, g=0.7, b=0.6} love.graphics.rectangle('line', Menu_left+5, Menu_top+5, Safe_width-Menu_left-10, Safe_height-Menu_top-10, 5,5) -- ok/cancel buttons (but with wider names) local r = Safe_width-10 r = right_justified_button('cancel', r, Menu_top+5+3, function() reset_file_dialog_state() end) r = right_justified_button('submit', r, Menu_top+5+3, function() File_dialog_callback(File_dialog_input_text) reset_file_dialog_state() end) File_dialog_input_right_margin = r -- input draw_file_dialog_input() -- filtered files App.color(Menu_background) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', Menu_left+5, Menu_bottom+5, Safe_width-Menu_left-10, Safe_height-Menu_bottom-10, 5,5) if Directory_contents == nil then -- on the first frame after dialog is enabled Directory_contents = directory_contents(Directory) end local y = add_files_to_dialog(Directory_contents, Menu_left+10, Menu_bottom+10, local_modifications_color) if Stash_directory_contents == nil then -- on the first frame after dialog is enabled Stash_directory_contents = directory_contents(Stash_directory) end y = y+Line_height+20 App.color{r=1, g=1, b=1} g.print('stashed files:', Menu_left+10, y) y = y+Line_height+5 y = add_files_to_dialog(Stash_directory_contents, Menu_left+10, y, function(filename) return Stash_color end) end