on.mouse_press = function(x,y, mouse_button) -- == menu area -- some hysteresis right after a button has been pressed if Active_button then return end if mouse_press_consumed_by_any_button_handler(Global_state, x,y, mouse_button) then Button_pressed = true return end Show_overflow = false -- == settings area if Show_settings then if on_area(Settings_menu_area, x,y) then select_settings_slider(x,y, mouse_button) else Show_settings = false -- On mobile devices, we can't depend on on.save_settings() triggering on quit. -- So save settings every time we close the settings menu. love.filesystem.write('config', json.encode(settings())) end return end -- == main area if Show_code then if on_editor_scrollbar(Current_pane.editor_state, x,y) then Current_pane.editor_state.scrollbar_drag = true elseif on_editor_scrollbar_area(Current_pane.editor_state, x,y) then -- nothing elseif x < Current_pane.editor_state.right + 15 - 5 and y < Current_pane.editor_state.bottom + 5 + 10 - 5 then love.keyboard.setTextInput(true) edit.mouse_press(Current_pane.editor_state, x,y, mouse_button) elseif on_editor_scrollbar(Current_pane.output_editor_state, x,y) then Current_pane.output_editor_state.scrollbar_drag = true elseif on_editor_scrollbar_area(Current_pane.output_editor_state, x,y) then -- nothing end else -- editors hidden if car.mouse_press then car.mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) end if car.mousepressed then car.mousepressed(x,y, mouse_button) end end end