
422 lines
9.4 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#define NAMELEN 16
#define TEXTLEN 256
#define BUFLEN 512
typedef struct Vessel {
char id, name[NAMELEN], note[TEXTLEN], prog[TEXTLEN];
struct Vessel *owner, *parent;
} Vessel;
typedef struct Parade {
int len;
Vessel vessels[256];
} Parade;
Vessel *guest;
/* clang-format off */
static char *actions[12] = {
"create", "become", "enter", "leave",
"take", "drop", "warp", "transform",
"note", "program", "use", ""};
#pragma mark - Helpers
static unsigned char chex(char c) { if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return 10 + c - 'a'; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return 10 + c - 'A'; return (c - '0') & 0xF; }
static unsigned char shex(char *s, int len) { int i, n = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) n |= (chex(s[i]) << ((len - i - 1) * 4)); return n; }
static int imin(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
static int cisp(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; }
static int slen(char *s) { int n = 0; while(s[n] && s[++n]) ; return n; }
static int cpos(char *s, char c) { int i = 0; while(s[i] && s[i]) if(s[i++] == c) return i - 1; return -1; }
static char * spor(char *s, int c) { int i; for(i = slen(s); i >= 0; --i) if(s[i] == c) return s + i; return s - 1; }
static int scmp(char *a, char *b) { int i = 0; while(a[i] == b[i]) if(!a[i++]) return 1; return 0; }
static char * strm(char *s) { char *end; while(cisp(*s)) s++; if(*s == 0) return s; end = s + slen(s) - 1; while(end > s && cisp(*end)) end--; end[1] = '\0'; return s; }
static int afnd(char *src[], int len, char *val) { int i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) if(scmp(src[i], val)) return i; return -1; }
static char * sstr(char *src, char *dest, int from, int to) { int i; char *a = (char *)src + from, *b = (char *)dest; for(i = 0; i < to; i++) b[i] = a[i]; dest[to] = '\0'; return dest; }
/* clang-format on */
#pragma mark - Generics
static int
isvisible(Vessel *g, Vessel *v)
if(g->parent != v->parent)
return 0;
if(g->parent == v)
return 0;
if(g == v)
return 0;
return 1;
static int
isparadox(Vessel *v)
return v->parent == v;
static char
rune(Vessel *v)
return '^';
if(slen(v->note) > 0)
return '*';
if(slen(v->prog) > 0)
return '+';
if(v->owner == guest)
return '~';
return 0;
static Vessel *
addvessel(Parade *p, Vessel *v, char *name)
Vessel *nv = &p->vessels[p->len];
nv->id = p->len;
nv->owner = v ? v : nv;
nv->parent = v ? v->parent : nv;
sstr(name, nv->name, 0, imin(slen(name), NAMELEN - 1));
return nv;
static Vessel *
findvisible(Parade *p, Vessel *v, char *name)
int i;
char *n = spor(name, ' ') + 1;
for(i = 0; i < p->len; ++i) {
if(!isvisible(v, &p->vessels[i]))
if(scmp(p->vessels[i].name, n))
return &p->vessels[i];
return NULL;
static Vessel *
findinventory(Parade *p, Vessel *v, char *name)
int i;
char *n = spor(name, ' ') + 1;
for(i = 0; i < p->len; ++i) {
if(&p->vessels[i] == v)
if(p->vessels[i].parent != v)
if(scmp(p->vessels[i].name, n))
return &p->vessels[i];
return NULL;
static Vessel *
findany(Parade *p, char *name)
int i;
char *n = spor(name, ' ') + 1;
for(i = 0; i < p->len; ++i)
if(scmp(p->vessels[i].name, n))
return &p->vessels[i];
return NULL;
#pragma mark - Actions
static void
createvessel(Parade *p, char *val)
Vessel *v;
if(findany(p, val) || slen(val) < 4 || p->len > 255)
printf("You cannot create the %s.\n", val);
else {
v = addvessel(p, guest, spor(val, ' ') + 1);
printf("You created the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
becomevessel(Parade *p, char *val)
Vessel *v = findany(p, val);
printf("You do not see the %s.\n", val);
else {
guest = v;
printf("You became the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
entervessel(Parade *p, char *val)
Vessel *v = findvisible(p, guest, val);
printf("You do not see the %s.\n", val);
else {
guest->parent = v;
printf("You entered the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
Vessel *v = guest->parent;
if(v == v->parent)
printf("You cannot leave the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
else {
printf("You left the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
guest->parent = v->parent;
static void
takevessel(Parade *p, char *val)
Vessel *v = findvisible(p, guest, val);
printf("You do not see the %s.\n", val);
else {
v->parent = guest;
printf("You took the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
dropvessel(Parade *p, char *val)
Vessel *v = findinventory(p, guest, val);
printf("You do not carry the %s.\n", val);
else {
v->parent = guest->parent->parent;
printf("You dropped the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
warpvessel(Parade *p, char *val)
Vessel *v = findany(p, val);
printf("You cannot warp to the %s.\n", val);
else {
guest->parent = v;
printf("You warped to the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
transformvessel(Parade *p, char *val)
char *name = spor(val, ' ') + 1;
if(findany(p, name) || slen(name) < 3)
printf("You cannot transform into the %s.\n", name);
else {
sstr(name, guest->name, 0, imin(slen(name), TEXTLEN - 1));
printf("You transformed into the %s%c.\n", guest->name, rune(guest));
static void
notevessel(char *val)
Vessel *v = guest->parent;
if(slen(val) < 1)
printf("You remove the note of the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
else {
sstr(val, v->note, 0, imin(slen(val), TEXTLEN - 1));
printf("You added a note to the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
programvessel(char *val)
Vessel *v = guest->parent;
if(slen(val) < 1)
printf("You remove the program of the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
else {
sstr(val, v->prog, 0, imin(slen(val), TEXTLEN - 1));
printf("You programmed the %s%c.\n", v->name, rune(v));
static void
lookvessel(Parade *p)
int i;
printf("You are the %s%c.\n", guest->name, rune(guest));
printf("You are the %s%c in the %s%c.\n",
if(slen(guest->parent->note) > 2)
printf("%s\n", guest->parent->note);
for(i = 0; i < p->len; ++i)
if(isvisible(guest, &p->vessels[i]))
printf("- %s%c\n", p->vessels[i].name, rune(&p->vessels[i]));
#pragma mark - Parade
static int usevessel(Parade *p, char *val);
static void
act(Parade *p, char *cmd, char *val)
/* clang-format off */
switch(afnd(actions, 12, cmd)) {
case 0x0: createvessel(p, val); break;
case 0x1: becomevessel(p, val); break;
case 0x2: entervessel(p, val); break;
case 0x3: leavevessel(); break;
case 0x4: takevessel(p, val); break;
case 0x5: dropvessel(p, val); break;
case 0x6: warpvessel(p, val); break;
case 0x7: transformvessel(p, val); break;
case 0x8: notevessel(val); break;
case 0x9: programvessel(val); break;
case 0xA: usevessel(p, val); break;
case 0xB: lookvessel(p); break;
default: printf("Unknown action: %s.\n", cmd); break;
/* clang-format off */
static Vessel *
spawn(Parade *p)
addvessel(p, NULL, "library");
addvessel(p, &p->vessels[0], "ghost");
return &p->vessels[1];
static int
parse(Parade *p, char *line, int id)
int split = cpos(line, '|');
int len = slen(line);
Vessel *nv = &p->vessels[id];
if(len < 22 || split < 0 || line[0] == ';')
return 0;
nv->id = id;
nv->owner = &p->vessels[shex(line, 2)];
nv->parent = &p->vessels[shex(line + 2, 2)];
strm(sstr(line, nv->name, 5, NAMELEN));
if(split > 23)
sstr(line, nv->note, 21, split - 22);
if(len - split > 3)
sstr(line, nv->prog, split + 2, len - split - 3);
return 1;
static int
save(Parade *p, char *filename)
int i;
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "w");
for(i = 0; i < p->len; ++i)
fprintf(f, "%02x%02x %-15s %s | %s\n",
return 1;
static int
load(Parade *p, char *filename)
char line[BUFLEN];
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
if(f == NULL)
return 1;
p->len = 0;
while(fgets(line, BUFLEN, f)) {
if(parse(p, line, p->len))
return 1;
static int
answer(Parade *p, char *input)
int split = cpos(input, ' ');
char action[NAMELEN], value[TEXTLEN];
if(cpos(input, '|') >= 0)
return 1;
if(split >= 0) {
sstr(input, action, 0, split);
sstr(input, value, split + 1, imin(slen(input) - split, TEXTLEN - 1));
} else if(slen(input) < 2) {
action[0] = '\0';
value[0] = '\0';
} else if(slen(input) >= 0) {
sstr(input, action, 0, imin(slen(input), NAMELEN - 1));
value[0] = '\0';
if(scmp(action, "@quit"))
return 0;
if(scmp(action, "@save") && slen(value) > 3)
return save(p, spor(input, ' ') + 1);
if(scmp(action, "@load") && slen(value) > 3)
return load(p, spor(input, ' ') + 1);
act(p, action, value);
return 1;
static int
usevessel(Parade *p, char *val)
Vessel *v = findvisible(p, guest, val);
printf("You do not see %s.\n", val);
else if(slen(v->prog) < 2)
printf("You cannot use %s%c.\n", val, rune(v));
answer(p, v->prog);
return 0;
static int
listen(Parade *p)
char input[TEXTLEN];
printf("> ");
if(fgets(input, TEXTLEN, stdin))
return answer(p, strm(input));
return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv)
Parade parade;
parade.len = 0;
guest = spawn(&parade);
if(argc == 2)
load(&parade, argv[1]);
printf("A %s%c appeared in the %s%c.\n",
return 0;