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# Uxn11
An emulator for the [Uxn stack-machine](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxn.html), written in ANSI C. The emulator contains a few linux specific utilities in the Console device to allow for it to interface with the unix systems.
## Building
### Makefile
For your convenience a [Makefile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software)#Makefile) is provided. You can run `make install` to build and install the files.
By default, files are installed into `~/.local` but this can be overridden using `PREFIX`:
# installs files into ~/.local/bin and ~/.local/share
$ make install
# installs files into /opt/uxn/bin and /opt/uxn/share
$ make PREFIX=/opt/uxn install
### Graphical
All you need is X11.
gcc -Os -DNDEBUG -g0 -s src/uxn.c src/devices/system.c src/devices/console.c src/devices/screen.c src/devices/controller.c src/devices/mouse.c src/devices/file.c src/devices/datetime.c src/uxn11.c -o bin/uxn11 -lX11
### Terminal
If you wish to build the emulator without graphics mode:
gcc -Os -DNDEBUG -g0 -s src/uxn.c src/devices/system.c src/devices/console.c src/devices/file.c src/devices/datetime.c src/uxncli.c -o bin/uxncli
If do not wish to build it yourself, you can download linux binaries for [uxnasm](https://rabbits.srht.site/uxn11/bin/uxnasm), [uxncli](https://rabbits.srht.site/uxn11/bin/uxncli) and [uxn11](https://rabbits.srht.site/uxn11/bin/uxn11).
[![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~rabbits/uxn11.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~rabbits/uxn11?)
## Usage
The first parameter is the rom file, the subsequent arguments will be accessible to the rom, via the [Console vector](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/varvara.html#console).
bin/uxnemu bin/polycat.rom arg1 arg2
## Manual
A manual page is provided documenting the Uxntal language:
man ./doc/man/uxntal.7
After running `make install` the man page should be found by `man uxntal`.
## Devices
The file device is _sandboxed_, meaning that it should not be able to read or write outside of the working directory.
- `00` system
- `10` console(+)
- `20` screen
- `80` controller
- `90` mouse
- `a0` file
- `c0` datetime
## Emulator Controls
- `F1` toggle zoom
- `F2` toggle debugger
- `F3` quit
- `F4` reboot
- `F5` reboot(soft)
### Buttons
- `LALT` B
## Need a hand?
The following resources are a good place to start:
* [XXIIVV — uxntal](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxntal.html)
* [XXIIVV — uxntal reference](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxntal_reference.html)
* [compudanzas — uxn tutorial](https://compudanzas.net/uxn_tutorial.html)
## Contributing
Submit patches using [`git send-email`](https://git-send-email.io/) to the [~rabbits/public-inbox mailing list](https://lists.sr.ht/~rabbits/public-inbox).